Managing the long-term care needs of a loved one can be a confusing and stressful time for families, particularly when it comes to finding the right policy and accessing benefits. To make the experience easy for you and your family, L.D. O’Mire Financial Services is a leader in Long Term Care with over 20 years of experience in helping your family protect their assets for “Medicare Spend-Down”.uses realistic returns.

Consider these facts:


2 out of 5 people of all ages will spend some time in a Long Term Care Facility


7 out of every 10 couples reaching 65 can expect one partner to be confined in a nursing home

Chances of Long Term Care treatment increase dramatically as age increases

Nursing facility admissions have been rising significantly in recent years, driven largely by the aging baby boomer population and increasing patient acuity.

Here are the Hard Facts:


98% Nursing Facility cost is NOT covered by Medicare. Medicare covers only “Skilled Care”


99.5% of care received is either “intermediate” or “custodial” and is not covered by Medicare or Medicare Supplements


99% of Nursing Facility cost is NOT covered by Major Medical Health Insurance

Most children are not financially able or qualified to provide the necesary level of care

If you were to become ill or disabled, you might need “special assistance” with your daily activities. This “special assistance” may last a few weeks, months, or years. Such “special assistance” is referred to as “Long-Term Care.”

“I truly believe for a couple to have a Long Term Care policy is like writing a Love Letter to each other. You have been taking care of each other for many years and when that day comes that one of you is unable to take care of the other, it will be a blessing to have a billion dollar company to step in and help.”

Leonard D. O'Mire

Concerned about Long Term Care?” “We can help!”

Call Sandra O’Mire at 601-957-3841 to arrange a free long-term care coverage consultation.